Why have you contacted me?

We make contact with customers to ensure their payments remain up to date for a wide range of organisations. We also manage the debt collection process on their behalf, and we will work with you to ensure you can make your repayment and manage your debt.

How do I make a payment?

We accept payment via bank transfer.

Click here to view these details

I have a question about my debt - how do I contact you?

Our team is here to help.  If you have any questions about your debt or the process of paying outstanding amounts call us on 0800 300 167, or contact us here.

I am experiencing difficulty in making payments - what should I do?

Once you contact us with all of your relevant details, our highly trained consultant will look at your individual situation and tailor a suitable solution that will assist you to begin dealing with your overdue accounts.  We’re here to work with you and find a solution.

What if I am experiencing hardship?

If you’re experiencing hardship, please get in touch with our team as we have a range of assistance packages to help you.  Our hardship policy can be found here.  Financial hardship usually refers to a situation in which a person cannot keep up with debt payments and bills. If you are experiencing Financial Hardship, please advise our consultant by phone, for assistance so they can adequately assess your situation and look at tailored solutions to support you.  You can lodge a hardship support request through our online hardship application form here.

Will my credit report be affected?

Your credit score is directly affected by the amount of debt you have and the timely repayment of said debt. If you fail to make payments on your debt it will have a negative effect on your credit score. Creditors report delinquent payments to the credit bureaus who in turn lower your credit score accordingly. This is subject to individual credit contract and is managed by the Credit provider. A low score can impact your ability to get future credit for things like housing or buying a car.

Where can I find information on my credit file?

You can check your credit information for free, but if you want the information in a hurry you may have to pay for a report.

For credit report information visit here.

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